Effective March 16, 2020 to all employees; Updated May 26, 2020
- If you are feeling symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, please stay home. If you are at work, you will be asked to go straight home.
- If you must clear your throat or sneeze, do so in a tissue or into your elbow.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Stand/sit more than two metres apart.
- Politely decline handshakes/any touching.
- Handwashing and hygiene practices:
- We have handwashing signage by the sink
- You must wash your hands with soap and water as soon as:
- you step into the office
- before and after you eat
- if you cough or sneeze
- Daily – you must clean your workspace daily
- Disposable paper towels are used for cleaning. Cloth towels are not used.
- Commonly touched surfaces, such as, doorknobs/handles, shared equipment, and kitchen space/appliances are cleaned daily by our Office Administrators.
- Attend meetings in-person only when necessary and follow the above measures. We encourage all meetings to take place virtually as much as possible.
- Adherence to the staff COVID-19 schedule is required. If minor modification of this schedule is requested, please review your proposed change in advance with your supervisor to confirm it is acceptable.
- If you are more comfortable wearing a mask while at the office, you are welcome to do so.
We have established occupancy limits in the following spaces and have signage posted:
- In our Vancouver lunch room, there is to be no more than 2 people in the space at any given time.
- In our Vancouver boardroom, there is to be no more than 4 people in the space at any given time.
- In our Vancouver “Hive” (seating area near windows), there is to be no more than 3 people in the space at any given time.
- In our Calgary boardroom, there is to be no more than 3 people in the space at any given time.
- All employees on-site will be wearing their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as per normal.
- Prior to entry to the site, all employees will wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitizer.
- After leaving the site, all employees will wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitizer.
- Verify site specific safety requirements prior to attending a site. If required for a site, masks and all other protective gear must be worn by employees at all times.
- We commit to touching as few things as are required to do our work.
- Where feasible, no more than 2 people from GUNN will be assigned to a site visit.
- While on site, we will make every effort to maintain a two-metre clearance between people.